STMA prepares space full of God’s creativity for our clergy to do theology that rises out the life of the very communities they are serving—theology that is organic and relevant to those very people, their pressures and varying contexts.

The word companion, or compañere, in Spanish, means “the one we break bread with.” Through STMA, the wild web of the Oregon Synod extends across generations in the faith and the borders of the countries we call home—a web of lifelines through which the Spirit of Jesus, our compañero, may flow, as we break open the bread of life with one another, nourishing and strengthening us for this collective struggle ahead in which healing, liberation, and new creation are surely finding a way, anyway. Thank you for your gifts to your synod’s Courageous Love Fund. These gifts help to support STMA—our theological backs are growing with grace and dignity, and you are manna for our journey!