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Synod News!
Honoring Memory with Legacy
The graceful and generous end of The Good Shepherd in Eugene as told to Bishop's Associate Rev. Melissa O'Keefe Reed by its remaining congregants.
Fall Sacred Organizing Cohorts
Cohorts connect you to a powerful community of leaders committed to organizing in a shared Movement Home, towards repair, resilience and liberation for our people and planet!
Clergy Appreciation Month!
October is a great time to celebrate the ministers in your life!
Welcome summer interns!
This summer we are partnering with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and Oregon Interfaith Power & Light on a Climate Resilience Summer Internship Cohort. A group of four amazing interns are helping to identify, map and organize faith communities across Oregon who are working on sustainability, environment, disaster preparedness, and other climate resilience projects.
Welcome, Rev. John Reutter-Harrah!
Rev. John is our new lay education coordinator!
2023 Elected Leaders!
14 people were elected to synod positions at 2023 Assembly.
Spiritual and Theological Mutual Accompaniment
Spiritual and Theological Mutual Accompaniment (STMA), stewarded by the Oregon Synod, is now a communion of over 120 spiritual leaders from Oregon, California, and Washington, and twelve additional countries, including Latin America, Africa and Europe. These leaders are lay and clergy, theologians and community workers, all engaging their own margins and the margins of their communities on pathways of struggle, healing and liberation.
“All right, we will”: Klamath Lutheran Church
Klamath Lutheran credits the divine creative process with guiding them through the challenges of the past several years as they have strived to preserve the “best of church.” Check out their profile written by David Taylor, our roving synod correspondent.
Hope Does Not Disappoint
Given our current situation, we all may have to transform more than we’d like. And in that, we may ultimately be blessed more than we expect.