About Sarah

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So far Sarah has created 125 blog entries.

Ruah in Astoria: Peace First Trusting the Spirit during Uncertainty

In 2020, Peace First was born from the merger of First Lutheran and Peace Lutheran Churches as the result of a changing congregational landscape across the state. While a challenging journey, Peace First is learning to trust their newly formed muscle memory: there is opportunity in transformation and beauty in expanding community.

Ruah in Astoria: Peace First Trusting the Spirit during Uncertainty2023-10-23T14:21:42-07:00

A New Generation of Leaders: The Oregon Fellowship

The Oregon Fellowship seeks to create a new and much needed space for passionate young people to explore their own leadership journeys and spirituality without the pressure of fitting into any predetermined ideas of what that leadership “should” look like, and to be deeply accompanied in the process.

A New Generation of Leaders: The Oregon Fellowship2023-10-23T14:22:23-07:00

SALM: Empowering Lay Leadership Across Oregon

For years, congregations, lay leaders, and clergy across the state of Oregon have planted seeds for new ways of stewarding faithful emergent lay leadership. These seeds, cultivated, watered, and nurtured by many, bore the growing fruit that is the new SALM (Synod Authorized Lay Ministry) Program of the Oregon Synod.

SALM: Empowering Lay Leadership Across Oregon2023-10-23T14:23:40-07:00