Oregon Synod Pulpit Supply
Payment to Supply Pastors
Congregations should establish reasonable rates for the conducting of worship services (a sermon typically takes between 5-10 hours to prepare in addition to the time of delivery) AND travel expenses for supply pastors (miles, housing, and meals as appropriate). The payment of these expenses is the sole responsibility of the congregation and should be paid on the day of service. Congregations are encouraged to consider honorariums for adult education opportunities either connected to or separate from the supply of worship coverage. There are two options for pulpit supply:
- Ministers of Word and Sacrament. The recommended rate of payment to supply pastors is $200-$250 for a worship service and $75 for each additional service for the same day/location, plus mileage reimbursement. You may also invite ordained ministers from these ELCA full communion partners to provide pulpit supply; Presbyterian Church (USA), Reformed Church in America, United Church of Christ (UCC), The Episcopal Church, The Moravian Church, and the United Methodist Church. If a minister is from any other denomination, they may not preside over communion but can preach.
- Minister of Word and Service/Retired or Specialized Ministry Pastor. You are also encouraged to consider Ministers of Word and Service (deacons) or others with homiletical training to preach. On these occasions, we suggest asking a retired pastor or a pastor in specialized ministry (hospice, chaplain, etc.) to preside for the Eucharist. We recommend $150-$200 for the preacher and $75-$125 for the pastor presiding for the Eucharist, plus mileage reimbursement.
Agreement for Pulpit Supply
Current Pulpit Supply List – contact the synod office for the password
* Updated 2-25-25