Hold Tight!

Dear Beloved of Christ,

Hold tight! Looks like we’re […]

Hold Tight!2022-01-31T11:27:34-08:00

Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

September 1, 2021

Beloved of Christ,

You probably join me in feeling heartache watching the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan unfold. As evacuations have taken place, many Afghani families are […]

Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan2022-03-29T09:37:34-07:00

Statewide COVID-19 Freeze


I have extremely important news of which I want you to be aware. This week, Governor Brown and state health officials have announced statewide […]

Statewide COVID-19 Freeze2020-12-02T11:56:48-08:00

Let Love Be Genuine

Dear Ones in Christ,

I find myself praying for you with with my sighs, my steps, my search for sturdy touchstones like […]

Let Love Be Genuine2022-03-29T09:40:20-07:00

7-1-20 Reopening Update from Bishop Laurie

Hello Beloveds,

A few words on reopening as we see rates of confirmed cases and deaths rise again, and as Gov. Brown mandates masks in all public places […]

7-1-20 Reopening Update from Bishop Laurie2020-07-15T15:16:24-07:00

6-10-20 Metanoia Moment

There is hope when we remember
that we are all beloveds of God,
made in the divine image,
and that we are all called to metanoia work.


6-10-20 Metanoia Moment2020-07-15T15:16:41-07:00

6-2-20 Called to Justice

Dear Beloved of God,

Today is the Tuesday after Pentecost. And Spirit? She is swirling! Now, as then, we stand at […]

6-2-20 Called to Justice2020-07-15T15:16:47-07:00

5-28-20 Bishop Laurie on Delaying Reopening of Churches

Dear friends in Christ, 

As June approaches, it is time for us to check-in about in-person gatherings. The messages coming from our elected leaders can be contradictory and […]

5-28-20 Bishop Laurie on Delaying Reopening of Churches2020-07-15T15:16:52-07:00