Wrestling with God: Encountering the Divine in the Hebrew Scriptures
January 4, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Oregon Synod Lay School of Theology presents our Winter 2024 Course,
“Wrestling with God: Encountering the Divine in the Hebrew Scriptures”
Eight Thursdays, January 4-February 22, 2024, 6:30-8:00 pm on Zoom
Join us for an eight-week course digging into the Hebrew Scriptures! Like Jacob wrestling with the Divine, we’ll wrestle with texts. How do we make sense of difficult stories- God’s anger that leads to violence? Genocide in Joshua? How does God make Godself known in the natural world, in events, through other nations? What wisdom can we wrestle from these texts to help us live more faithfully? What might we learn, and what might we need to unlearn? We’ll explore names and images for God, including female imagery for the Divine, and offer ways to use this imagery in your spiritual practice.
This course will provide opportunities for relationship-building, critical thinking and spiritual practice.
Presenters are Sister India Jensen Kerr (St. Andrew Lutheran, Beaverton), Pr. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran) and Pr. Emerson Remy Remmers (Grace, Corvallis).
Course participants and/or their congregations are encouraged to offer a financial donation as they are able. A gracious giving range of $20-$160 is a way to support the course, and an $80 donation covers presenters and administrative costs. With four or more from the same congregation, we encourage a congregational donation of $250.
Register here
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