De-escalation Training 101
Is your congregation facing questions about safety concerns? Have you experienced difficult interactions with people (invited or uninvited) on church property? Are your front office person and [...]
“At the Table with Jesus: Preparing for the Year of Luke”
Oregon Synod Lay School of Theology fall 2024 course
Bishop’s Convocation
2024 Bishop's Convocation registration is closed. You must be registered to attend the event and/or participate; there is no late registration
Quarterly Meeting for Synod Treasurers
These quarterly meetings are a time to gather with others in similar church roles within the synod to share information on timely topics, build relationships, explore questions, [...]
Quarterly Synod Musicians Meeting
Musicians serving Oregon Synod churches are invited to join these quarterly virtual “roundtable” meetings. This is a time to meet other musicians, share what is going on [...]
At the Cross with Jesus: What Does it Mean?
Winter Lay School of Theology Course. "At the Cross with Jesus: What Does it Mean?" At the heart of the Christian faith is the crucified and risen Christ. [...]
Climate Resilience Gathering
Join our 2024-25 Sacred Organizing Coalition Climate Resilience Room’s Winter Gathering to: Take impactful action for climate justice in real-time Learn from on-the-ground organizing stories statewide Get [...]
Quarterly Admins Meeting
These quarterly meetings are a time to gather with others in similar church roles within the synod to share information on timely topics, build relationships, explore questions, [...]
Quarterly Presidents Meeting
These quarterly meetings are a time to gather with others in similar church roles within the synod to share information on timely topics, build relationships, explore questions, [...]
Quarterly Meeting for Synod Treasurers
These quarterly meetings are a time to gather with others in similar church roles within the synod to share information on timely topics, build relationships, explore questions, [...]
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